6:29 PM

Does Excercising Have to Count as "Me" Time?

So my main New Years Resolution is to get into shape. Not just lose weight, but get into shape. Now that my girls are older, we plan on taking more hikes. However, my girls are 2 and 3, so much of their hiking consists of being carried in a kid backpack.

Last year I managed to lose 30 pounds, 10 of which I may have put back on over Christmas (not sure I am avoiding the scale right now). I want to lose another 30-40, but more important, I want to be able to do all the things I could before kids and weight gain. The thing is, I hate excercising.

"So what? Just do it," you say. Well, there are only so many hours in the day. Most of them involve kid activities or household chores. If I want time to do things alone, like now, I have to ask my husband to watch the girls. So, do I ask him to watch them for excercising and lose my 1 hour of sanity time a day. My other options are 10-11 pm or 4-5 am, neither of which I am thrilled about.

This is the reason people don't excercise. With a million things I don't have time for in a day, it is hard to find time for something I hate. I need to do it, for myself, my husband, and my girls, but I don't know the solution now. Suggestions? I'll let you know if I figure out anything good.

Happy New Year By the Way. Hope it is a good one for you and yours. :)

9:11 PM

Yes, I am Obsessed

I am obsessed. Obsessed with being the Perfect Mom. Why? Well two reasons really.

1. I am a Type A personality, so since this is what I do, I want to do it well.
2. And more importantly, I want to be a good role model for my two little girls.

I see them already doing things that I wish I didn't do. I watch them get frustrated by something, and immediately I tell them that doesn't help. However, when I step back, I realize they are me. So here I am, starting my quest of perfection. The problem is, what is the Perfect Mom?

Well, I think the perfect mom is everything to everyone. That is too broad though, so here is my list.

1. She is a wife (not all of us, but for those of us who are married, we have to fit this in)
2. She is a lover, a supporter, a consoler, a teammate, a cheerleader and a sounding board
3. She is a playmate, a disciplinarian, a comforter, a friend, a teacher, a follower, a leader, an observer, a guide
4. She is a house keeper, a cook, a gopher, an accountant, a chauffeur
5. She looks perfect all the time, although she never takes time or money for herself
6. She runs the household on $4 a month, but always provides everyone with everything they need
7. She is always available for everything, no matter what or when
8. She earns extra money using the 25th and 26th hour of the day, so as not to take time away from all the rest, and she uses this money to pay for dance, singing, piano, karate, and art lessons, to which she drives all the kids
9. She teaches her children patience, environmental awareness, kindness, generosity, and empathy, while making sure they have everything all the other kids have
10. She is everything to everyone all the time, and she never complains

Obviously, much of this is Tongue in cheek, since it is an impossible task. I do want to become as good of a mom, and a person as I can. I will document my journey here. The ups and downs. The successes and the failures. You can come if you want. You may relate to some of it as well.